The PCOS Detox
Reboot your Hormones in 7 Days
Food can be the most powerful medicine, but it can also be the culprit of feeling bloated, poor sleep, acne, fertility problems, weight struggles, and even mood disturbances such as anxiety and depression.
I know you are a smart lady looking for how to re-balance your PCOS hormones, so this probably doesn’t come as shocking news to you, but it is never easy to change eating habits, especially ones developed over years and years.
Cutting down or even eliminating sugar and other carbohydrates is not easy. For that reason, I’ve put together a simple, manageable, and delicious 7-day PCOS detox meal plan along with foods, snacks, sweeteners, and beverages to embrace and avoid!
Balancing your PCOS and healing your fertility is not about restricting calories, even if you were told to lose weight by your doctor.
Learning how to cook and prepare food that nourishes instead of harms your PCOS hormones can take time, but you most definitely can still enjoy delicious foods while getting healthier!
“Patience…..you can’t detox the last decade away all in one day”
~Nourished to Healthy

The PCOS Detox
If you are looking to detox your PCOS hormones and boost your fertility, this is a fantastic way to start
First don’t fall victim to the latest fad cleanses, fasts, and strange concoctions.
Your body has it’s own detoxification system, your colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin to name a few—and they work to naturally eliminate toxins and keep things functioning properly every day. So all you need to do is help them out!
Certain foods promote the detoxification process and help your body to work at its highest potential. Water is also a great detoxer! Drink a full glass of room temperature water in the morning, maybe add a little lemon juice, to hydrate your body, and kickstart your day.
Beware of water fasts, juice cleanses, or highly supplemented detoxes or smoothie diets.
Your body requires real nourishment and while these gimmicks might budge the scale they can do A LOT more harm than good
Three Ways to Detox and Reboot Your Hormones

Nourish Your Body
We’ve already covered how food can be powerful medicine. Dieting can have many pitfalls but a big one in regards to your PCOS is the focus on restriction instead of nourishment. We focus on fewer calories, fewer sweats, and less of the comfort foods we crave. But we don’t focus on getting the proper nourishment for healthy hormones, instead, we just take supplements and hope for the best.
Nourish Your Mind
The thoughts you tell yourselves day in and day out. The Stresses you allow into your life and the expectations you hold yourselves to can have a toxic effect on your health as well. As you detoxify your body and reboot your hormones it’s important not to forget your thoughts, feelings, and emotions that also contribute to toxic hormones.
Re-Move Toxins
As you remove toxic food and thoughts from our mind and body we need to flush all the toxins away! The bests ways to do this are to drink plenty of water, sweat it out, and to flood out thoughts with empowerment and positivity.
What is a PCOS Detox?
The definition of a Detox is to abstain from or rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. I see it as a wonderful way to reset habits, recommit to a health goal, and take your health one step farther.
When I detox my PCOS hormones I commit to 7-days of clean eating, 100% PCOS friendly foods to reboot my hormones, and recommit to my health.
I don’t recommend some crazy cleanse, a shady fad detox, an extreme juice cleanses or fasts. These types of “detoxes” can do more harm than good.
Reasons a Detox Will Help:
It’s a great way to
Start a new habit. Maybe the diagnosis of PCOS is a wake-up call and all of sudden you are trying to start healthier habits
Reduce and reset cravings. When beginning to eat healthier or take your healthy eating to the next level the cravings can be tough. A Detox is like pulling off the band-aid, quick and mostly painless instead of limping along feeling deprived for months
Take your hormones to the next level of health. Each time I dig in and commit one step further to my health, I am amazed at how great I feel, how much better my clothes fit, and how much more energy I have.
Get back on track when you have let your healthy habits slide. Maybe on vacation or during a busy stretch of life. Now you’re ready to get back on track and a detox is an excellent way to kick off your healthy habits.
If you’re anything like me, then at some point you’ve said: “Today, I’m going to eat better”. Maybe you even ate better for breakfast and perhaps lunch, but when the afternoon energy low hit your resolution to eat better is long gone, and you go to bed frustrated with how you stuffed your face with junk food all evening long.
That’s why having a committed time frame with a plan is the key to success. Obviously seven days isn’t enough to completely transform your health but its a turbo boost to get your transformation started.
Eliminating Cravings
When the going gets tough what keeps you going besides commitment and motivation? Removing the key obstacles from your health journey will help when you feel like quitting.
The three things I hear from women when they first start to “eat better” is:
- I’m hungry….
- The cravings are too hard to fight…
- It’s too much work, I don’t have enough time…
What they are really dealing with is an energy roller-coaster that starts with the sugar high from their morning caramel macchiato and local coffee shop muffin, on their way to work.
They miss their constant nibbling on empty calorie snacks to combat the energy crash from their morning sugar rush.
Even when not hungry mid-morning because they ate a healthy sustaining breakfast, they fight cravings from the old habit of snacking
Third and perhaps the biggest roadblock of all is what to eat. Life is busy and that doesn’t stop so that you can reinvent your nutrition. What we choose to eat is based on taste and habit. So to change what we eat we need to reset our taste buds and consciously choose and provide ourselves with new options to eat.
This can be very time consuming to get started and that is why I created my detox menu and the meal plan to take away all the excuses that lay between me and my goals. This takes away the hassle and overwhelm and leaves a simple to follow guide that will nourish my body, hormones, and health!
A detox is also a great way to reset. Cravings stem from being on a sugar roller coaster of highs and lows, from habits of what we’re used to eating, and what we think we deserve. Cravings also stem from what our taste buds are used to eating. If you usually eat sugary foods, then something less sweet such as a berry isn’t going to taste very sweet. By doing a detox and resetting our taste buds all a sudden you’ll be satisfied with foods that are less sweet. All of a sudden a strawberry tastes like pure sugar and it satisfies the sweet tooth where before we would’ve reached for the donuts, brownies, cookies, or some other sweet treat.
During the 7-Day PCOS, Detox to reboot your Fertility, this is exactly what I will help you do! This 7-day program is a deep dive into your health to reset craving, habits and your health
Over the past several years I have created a little formula I follow when I need to re-center my health, want to break a fitness or weight-loss stall, or when I notice my health slipping and the reappearance of my PCOS symptoms. This detox regimen I follow has allowed me to have three healthy pregnancies, lose over 70 pounds, and not have to shave my face daily.

What is a PCOS Detox?
The definition of a Detox is to abstain from or rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. I see it as a wonderful way to reset habits, recommit to a health goal, and take your health one step farther.
When I detox my PCOS hormones I commit to 7-days of clean eating, 100% PCOS friendly foods to reboot my hormones, and recommit to my health.
I don’t recommend some crazy cleanse, a shady fad detox, an extreme juice cleanses or fasts. These types of “detoxes” can do more harm than good.

It’s a great way to
Start a new habit. Maybe the diagnosis of PCOS is a wake-up call and all of sudden you are trying to start healthier habits
Reduce and reset cravings. When beginning to eat healthier or take your healthy eating to the next level the cravings can be tough. A Detox is like pulling off the band-aid, quick and mostly painless instead of limping along feeling deprived for months
Take your hormones to the next level of health. Each time I dig in and commit one step further to my health, I am amazed at how great I feel, how much better my clothes fit, and how much more energy I have.
Get back on track when you have let your healthy habits slide. Maybe on vacation or during a busy stretch of life. Now you’re ready to get back on track and a detox is an excellent way to kick off your healthy habits.
If you’re anything like me, then at some point you’ve said: “Today, I’m going to eat better”. Maybe you even ate better for breakfast and perhaps lunch, but when the afternoon energy low hit your resolution to eat better is long gone, and you go to bed frustrated with how you stuffed your face with junk food all evening long.
That’s why having a committed time frame with a plan is the key to success. Obviously seven days isn’t enough to completely transform your health but its a turbo boost to get your transformation started.
Eliminating Cravings
When the going gets tough what keeps you going besides commitment and motivation? Removing the key obstacles from your health journey will help when you feel like quitting.
The three things I hear from women when they first start to “eat better” is:
- I’m hungry….
- The cravings are too hard to fight…
- It’s too much work, I don’t have enough time…
What they are really dealing with is an energy roller-coaster that starts with the sugar high from their morning caramel macchiato and local coffee shop muffin, on their way to work.
They miss their constant nibbling on empty calorie snacks to combat the energy crash from their morning sugar rush.
Even when not hungry mid-morning because they ate a healthy sustaining breakfast, they fight cravings from the old habit of snacking
Third and perhaps the biggest roadblock of all is what to eat. Life is busy and that doesn’t stop so that you can reinvent your nutrition. What we choose to eat is based on taste and habit. So to change what we eat we need to reset our taste buds and consciously choose and provide ourselves with new options to eat.
This can be very time consuming to get started and that is why I created my detox menu and the meal plan to take away all the excuses that lay between me and my goals. This takes away the hassle and overwhelm and leaves a simple to follow guide that will nourish my body, hormones, and health!
A detox is also a great way to reset. Cravings stem from being on a sugar roller coaster of highs and lows, from habits of what we’re used to eating, and what we think we deserve. Cravings also stem from what our taste buds are used to eating. If you usually eat sugary foods, then something less sweet such as a berry isn’t going to taste very sweet. By doing a detox and resetting our taste buds all a sudden you’ll be satisfied with foods that are less sweet. All of a sudden a strawberry tastes like pure sugar and it satisfies the sweet tooth where before we would’ve reached for the donuts, brownies, cookies, or some other sweet treat.
My Favorite detox foods:
Depending on the season and weather, I love soups and salads when I am on a detox. Their savory flavors help to satisfy me and not miss the foods I am removing from my menu. I like to keep sweeter foods such as fruit to a minimum while on a detox as this assists the rest of my taste buds and cravings both during and after the detox.
I encourage you to explore different vegetables while on a detox. Play around with ways to prepare and season them. Do you like them raw with hummus, in a seasoned bone broth on a cold day, or roasted with herbs and a little olive oil.
The nutritious benefits of protein are tremendous but it also helps to keep us satisfied and full of energy until our next meal. Great sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, and even non-meat options such as eggs, quinoa, nuts, and legumes.
Fruits are not completely forbidden on my detox, in fact, they offer amazing antioxidant and detoxing qualities. I just recommend focusing on less sugary fruits and enjoying them as a sweet treat as compared to the bulk of your nutrition.

During the 7-Day PCOS, Detox to reboot your Fertility, this is exactly what I will help you do! This 7-day program is a deep dive into your health to reset craving, habits and your health
Over the past several years I have created a little formula I follow when I need to re-center my health, want to break a fitness or weight-loss stall, or when I notice my health slipping and the reappearance of my PCOS symptoms. This detox regimen I follow has allowed me to have three healthy pregnancies, lose over 70 pounds, and not have to shave my face daily.
How to end a detox:
Ending a detox is the most important part and I walk you through this more extensively in the PCOS Detox Guide. However, here are the main takeaways. A detox is just the starting point. What you do after this amazing kickstart is where you will see the results; Weight loss, increased fertility, and natural ovulation. It is important to have a plan. Don’t just finish your detox and hope for the best because this is the best way to go straight back to your old habits. And finally, make sure you have fun! Don’t take it so seriously, it’s not about perfection!
How Often Should I Detox My Hormones?
The coolest thing about the PCOS detox is having this tool at your disposal whenever you need it! Not having to constantly reinvent the wheel and already knowing what to do will make a PCOS Detox a life changer as you create your life without PCOS getting in your way.

Ashlene Korcek PA-C
Hi there! I’m Ashlene Korcek, the PCOS Mama and founder of Nourished to Healthy
I help women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome balance their hormones naturally so that they can take back control of their bodies, boost their fertility, and ultimately live free from the symptoms of PCOS. Like you, I have PCOS, I was diagnosed while struggling with infertility and was told I likely would never have children. Even as a board-certified Physician Assistant I felt lost about what to do and very alone! Fast forward 5 years and I have 3 healthy children, but I never want another woman to feel lost and alone the way I did!
You can break free from the downward spiral of PCOS and feel amazing in your own skin again!