Episode #44: Creating Healthy Habits With Gaylene Gomez
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What you’ll learn in this episode
It’s not a secret that eating better and exercising along with many other lifestyle adjustments provide amazing benefits for your PCOS but how do you actually go about creating these habits so that they become your new effortless normal? I am excited to have Gaylene Gomez here with me today to talk all about creating habits so that your PCOS health journey can be easier and more enjoyable.
Gaylene Gomez
My name is Gaylene Gomez, and with over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, I’ve worked with hundreds of women to help them create a strong foundation for their health.
I started out thinking I could survive on popcorn and iced tea, but after many health struggles like low energy, headaches, and serious tummy troubles I realized things needed to change. It wasn’t until I started working on my own four pillars like nourishing my body did things turn around for me. Now, as a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach, I won’t make you deprive yourself, in fact, I’ll help you include MORE of what you love.
I’m here to help you have more energy and lose unwanted weight by nourishing your body with the power of food and simple lifestyle changes so you can feel strong, healthy, sexy, and vibrant. We will use holistic approaches to prioritize your 4 pillars of health and create healthy habits so you can create balance and feel supported by a strong foundation.
If you are ready to start creating amazing habits in small, manageable baby steps you are going to love this episode. Listen now.
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So go visit me on IG @nourishedtohealthy.com
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So go visit me on IG @nourishedtohealthy.com
Resources & References Mentioned in this episode
Your 3- step Personalized Plan to More Energy and Easier Weight Loss
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Read The Full Episode Transcript Here
We spent a lot of time discussing lifestyle adjustments to boost hormone health and fertility and all of the things that we’re trying to accomplish with our PCOS symptoms. But today we are going to dive into how to create the healthy habits and how to get started with little bite-sized pieces that are manageable and I am very excited to introduce our guest today, Galene Gomez. With over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, she has worked with hundreds of women to help them create a strong foundation for their health. She started out thinking that she could survive on popcorn and iced tea, but after her own health struggle with low energy, headaches, and serious tummy troubles, she realized that things needed to change. It wasn’t until starting to work on her own four pillars like nourishing her body that things turned around. Now, as a holistic nutrition health coach, she wants to help so that you don’t have to be to deprive yourself. In fact, she’ll help you include more and more of the things that you actually love in your life. She’s here to help you have more energy and lose any unwanted weight by nourishing your body with the power of food and simple lifestyle changes so that you can feel strong, healthy, sexy, and vibrant. She uses a holistic approach to prioritize your four pillars of health and create healthy habits so that you can create balance and feel supported by a strong foundation.
All right, I am so excited to get started with this episode, so let’s dive in.
You’re listening to the PCOS Repair podcast, where we explore the ins and outs of PCOS and how to repair the imbalances in your hormones naturally with a little medical help sprinkled in. Hi, I’m Ashlene Korcek and with many years of medical and personal experience with polycystic ovarian syndrome, it is my joy to watch women reverse their PCOS as they learn to nourish their body in a whole new way. With the power of our beliefs, our mindset, and our environment, and the understanding of our genetics, we can heal at the root cause.
Welcome back to the PCOS Repair podcast, where I’m really excited that we have Galene Gomez here with us today to talk about healthy habits. She works a lot with nutrition, and she’s going to talk to us today about the importance of creating the habits, not just with what we’re eating, but really a more holistic approach to creating a healthy life that is sustainable and enjoyable and so I’m really excited to have her here with us today. Thank you for joining us, Galene.
So great to be here. I love talking about this stuff, so thank you for having me.
Oh, our pleasure. So as we begin talking about this, can you give us a little background into how you became so excited and interested in creating habits and the importance of habits as we create a healthy lifestyle?
Yeah, absolutely. So my background was as a registered massage therapist, and I’ve actually been doing that for over 25 years now. But at one point during that career, I felt really ill. I was in the Caribbean, I got a tummy bug, and it just completely wiped out my energy and my gut health and all of the things and over the next months and years, it became very clear that my diet was not what it needed to be and when I started trying to work on replenishing my tummy and replenishing my health and recovering from this illness, I worked with a nutritionist and it was just fascinating. I was learning so many things and doing all of the things that I decided to go back to school and become a nutritionist myself. And my entire energy and focused over to nutrition and understanding that it’s the miracle of so many things when it comes to our health is nourishing our bodies. It’s so important and so I started working… Yeah, it’s so important. I started working with a lot of clients that would come to me for nutrition and meal plans and recipes and help and although the nutrition was very helpful for many people, there were still a lot of missing pieces to their lives, to their health, to their routine, to their plan. We can shift and eat a perfectly clean nourishing diet, but if we’re not sleeping, or if we’re really stressed, or if we have other issues going on, then we’re still not going to be at our health goals. We’re not going to be able to have a strong metabolism, or have the energy, or get rid of some of the symptoms we might be experiencing. So although nutrition is definitely extremely important, it wasn’t everything, and so I had to take a step back from putting all of my focus on nutrition and help people build out stronger, healthier habits, and that made such a difference. People’s results were easier to achieve, they were more lasting, it was more enjoyable, and this whole picture was so much better when the nutrition included healthy habits as well. And so that is now many years ago, and now with my clients, I don’t let them just focus on nutrition alone we make sure we address all of these other healthy pieces as well.
I love that, I could not agree more. So how do you recommend when you’re talking about healthy habits, what does that break down to? Or do you have a way of going through and figuring out how to break down what we’re trying to create in a healthy lifestyle into a healthy habit bite-sized piece?
Yeah, I’ve broken it down into four pieces to try and make it simple. If health is difficult and overwhelming, we’re not going to do it. So let’s keep it simple and I broke it down into four pillars. So Pillar one is nutrition. Yes, let’s nourish our body from the inside out absolutely, let’s dial that in. Pillar two is movement, so it’s like myself, I sit at a desk eight hours a day, and then you could move from your desk to the couch and watch Netflix all evening. If you’re not moving your body, you’re going to feel sluggish, we’re not going to have the health that we want. Pillar three is sleep, getting good quality sleep, not just enough hours, but actual quality, so if you’re going to bed stressed or if you’re waking up snoozing your alarm three times, then the quality of sleep is not there, so it’s working on that pillar as well. And then the last one is mindset or stress, if we are stressed, we are not going to choose to pack a healthy lunch, or we’re not going to pack our gym shoes for our lunch break. If we’re stressed, we’re more likely to make unhealthy choices for ourselves and so really managing that mindset and stress is the fourth pillar. So those are the key different areas of our health that I look at, and then we can build out healthy habits in each one of those.
Wonderful. So where do you recommend people get started to decrease that overwhelm in looking at those four pillars when you think about creating a habit for someone who is just getting started?
For sure. It can be really overwhelming. We see things on the internet. It’s like, okay, I need to eat healthily and I need to walk my 10,000 steps a day, and I need to go to bed by nine o’clock and I need to do this and I need to do that. But it feels like so much that we often just don’t do anything and so have a little exercise, if you don’t mind, I’d love to guide you through it where you can start thinking about what to start with, and where to put your focus on first. Can we run through a little exercise?
Yes, please do. Take us through an exercise.
So if we look at each pillar, and grab yourself a pen and a paper, and draw a line down the center and then across. So you have four individual little squares and this is an exercise you can do just quickly while we’re going through it here together and you’re going to have more clarity at the end as to where to spend your focus. So pillar one, nutrition. Think about the last 7 to 10 days, how have you been doing? Have you been choosing healthy lunches and adding in protein and veggies and packing your lunch? Or have you been swinging through McDonald’s really quickly on your way to the next thing? And what I want you to do is give yourself a score from 1 to 10. One is I’ve been making terrible choices, I’m really struggling in this area, this is not something that I’m good at, I know I really need to work on this. I’m living on Doritos and donuts, that would be a 1. Ten would be I’m doing amazing, I eat perfectly healthy all of the time with no errors. You’re probably not a 1 or a 10. Most people are going to be somewhere in that middle range but give yourself a score of the last week to 10 days as to where you sit on that nourishment pillar and eating good food, eating enough food, eating quality food. We’re not talking about counting calories or points, we’re talking about nourishing your body with good quality, regular food, water, all of those things and you have that little score on your piece of paper, and then we move into pillar two, movement, exercise, are you walking and taking the stairs? Are you parking far away at the grocery store? Are you getting up from your desk to move around all the time? Or are you sitting at your desk for eight hours straight and moving to the couch to watch Netflix all night? Are you hitting the gym? Are you getting a variety of exercise? Are you doing some strength training and cardio training and stretching and all of the things? Or are you just really struggling to get in even a thousand steps a day? And so give yourself a score, 1 to 10. One is very poor for doing the couch, Netflix all day. Ten is a variety of exercise every day, really consistent, fit, strong, feeling confident in that department and you’re giving yourself a score on that. And then pillar three is sleep, not just how many hours of sleep you’re getting if you get six hours, don’t put a six. This is quality of sleep, do you have a bedtime routine? Are you having a bath? Are you using essential oils? Are you winding down from your electronics and having a nice evening? Or are you staying up and watching the news until 11 and going to bed all stressed and exhausted and then pushing snooze on your alarm three times? So when you’re giving yourself a score on sleep, that score from 1 to 10 in the last week, be honest with yourself about the sleep routine, are you waking up rested? Do you feel confident that you’re doing what your body needs at night? And put it down. And then pillar number 4 is a mindset, so if it’s hard to give yourself a score on the mindset category, then transfer that word to just stress, do you have the tools to manage your stress? Are you actively using those tools? Are you giving your body a chance and your brain a chance to deal with all the things that are coming at us a mile a minute every single day? So if you are not managing your stress well and you’re really struggling in that area, it would be one. If you’re getting a massage every day and you work with a therapist and you have great friends in social circle and you have everything perfectly in place, give yourself a 10. If you have a bath, if you use essential oils, if you journal, if you meditate, if you do all those things, you’re on the higher side of things. If you know you should do those and you’ve been meaning to but you’re not doing any of them, put yourself on the lower score of things. And so then you have these four numbers, you have these four pillars, and each pillar has a score and the score is not to compare to anybody else, it’s to compare to yourself. Which one is your high score? What I see a lot of times is people will come to me as a nutritionist where they say, I am already eating healthy and I can’t lose weight, or I’m already eating healthy and I’m still struggling with energy or whatever it is, or I’m already exercising all the time and I can’t lose these symptoms. And so when we look at this score, it might be eye-opening to see why you’re not feeling better, why you don’t have more energy, or why you’re not losing weight, or why you do still have symptoms. Because we tend to focus on the pillar that we already like, we’re already good at. If you already like to cook, and you like to eat healthily, then your nutrition score is great and your sleep might be terrible. And so when you look at your scores, you can see an opportunity for improvement in your own health and usually when we start with that particular pillar and start improving that, results are going to be easier. If we are not sleeping and we just focus on healthy habits of sleep, it’s going to go better. If we’re not working on our exercise and we improve that, it’s going to go better, and so this helps you break it down to one healthy habit that you need. So when you look at your little cheat sheet, it should give you a clear idea as to where you should spend some of your time and energy and focus on your healthy habits.
I love this too because I could imagine, and in fact, those of you listening, you should bookmark this episode and come back to it after doing this and do this exercise again, almost like on a monthly basis to recheck in, are these numbers changing? Because ideally in a holistic approach, we would want to have these relatively equal and balanced amongst the what we’re holding up all four of these pillars in our focus and in our energy. So that’s an awesome exercise to get there.
Yeah. And like you said, when you come back to it, life is different, life is hard. There are going to be weeks where you have poor sleep, and there are going to be weeks where you eat healthily, and there are going to be weeks where you choose well for yourself and you don’t. So it’s a continual journey, this is something I do regularly with my clients is to stay on top of it and as we have our hard weeks in life and the stress is there or the sleep is not there, it’s really good to continually check in so that you don’t just get really strong on one and let the rest of them go down the drain.
100 % and that’s something we talk a lot about here on the PCOS Repair podcast is really getting in tune with yourself. You’re the only one that lives in your body and so having a check-in like this to really look at the different aspects of your health and taking yourself through this exercise and checking in with yourself and looking at it is just a really beneficial practice to do on a routine basis, every probably month or two probably would be good at the beginning, at least.
Yeah. Put a date on that little sticky note or whatever you just used right now and then put some effort into improving it back and reassess and you can be really proud of the hard work that you’ve put in when you see the numbers start to shift.
Yes, I love that. Okay, so now they have their number, and they know where they need to focus. What would be the next step of getting started in that area to break it down and make it manageable?
Yeah. So once you start figuring out which area you’re going to focus on, then it’s more, like you said, self-assessment to figure out what you’re good at and what you know you need to be doing differently. So even as you’re doing this exercise and I’m talking about the sleep, for example, are you someone that’s staying up late and watching the news? Because that itself can be a healthy habit that can make a really big difference. So that could just be 30 minutes to bed earlier, and that could be your first healthy habit is consistently 30 minutes to bed earlier, or turning off your electronics at 8 PM, or whatever that looks like for you for that pillar, we want to look for the little things that are going to make the biggest difference. Instead of a total overhaul, start picking out the one thing. I have a quiz that you can absolutely pass on Ashelene, where I’ll give us a personalized three-step plan where I’m going to give you three things under each pillar. When you take the quiz, you’ll land on a particular pillar that you should focus on and it’ll give you three things. So for example, with nutrition, if you’re not already drinking a lot of water, that would be a really great healthy habit for you. If you’re not already adding a lot of veggies, that would be a good habit for you. And so when we look at what it is, again, as a health coach, I can’t tell everybody this is your thing that will make a difference. We need to personalize it to what’s going to work in your life and what you have time for and what your strengths are and what’s going to work best. So a bit of energy and attention and focus into those little things so that you get really good at it. When we were little kids and your parents stood over you brushing your teeth and they made you brush your teeth every night, every night, every night, every night. How many times did your parents have to make you do that before you just started naturally doing it on your own? We need to be our own parents of our own healthy habits. You’re going to want to go to bed earlier and then all of a sudden you get this email or this something that you think you should deal with. So just be your own parent and say, Nope, off to bed, brush your teeth, go to bed, and we need to tell ourselves that so many times before it becomes a habit, but it’s well worth repeating it until it’s consistent, until it’s easy, until it’s done.
I will drop that link in the show notes so you can easily access that and take the quiz and get your first couple of little habits to get started depending on what pillar you’re currently needing to focus on.
Yeah, absolutely. The quiz is about building out these habits, and figuring out where it is. And just like you did this exercise today, you can do the quiz multiple times, do it now, do it again in a month, do it again in a month, because you’re going to build on your habits each time. Once you have this, go to bed 30 minutes earlier each night, and then you get drinking more water, and then, and then, and then, before you know it, you’re going to be feeling better and giving yourself better scores on all of these pieces.
Yes. And I know to some it may seem maybe obvious, but why is it so important that we break it down into, okay, we’re just going to focus on going to bed 30 minutes earlier, and I’m just going to focus on getting this amount of water in my day? Why is it so important that we break it down into this is what I’m currently focusing on and working on.
I think it is truly overwhelming that I hear so many times from my clients when they’re struggling, we hear that we should do this diet or follow this plan or do this and do that and there’s so many things we can and maybe should do but it really is the little things that make the biggest difference when we do them consistently. When we do something consistently, even something as simple as drinking more water consistently, our skin is better, our metabolism is stronger, our energy is better, our pain recedes. There are so many benefits to little things when they’re done really well. Whereas if we just drink a bunch of water today and tomorrow, and then we go to bed early one night and then we go back to normal life the next week, we’re not going to get the benefits and so little healthy habits done consistently over time can really change our lives. They really, really can and so just focus on doing something really well first, we often know we should be doing something, but then the question is, are you doing it? We know we need to go to bed early, we know we need to drink more water, we know we need to eat more veggies, we know we should go for a walk after dinner. But then the question is, are you doing it? So shift from the I know I should be better at this to actually building it into your daily routine and building this into a habit and making it consistent for yourself. Maybe that after you finish dishes in the evening, that is what you do. You head out the door and you go for a walk and so whatever this habit is, when done consistently over time, it’s going to make changes to your health and it’s going to feel less overwhelming than trying to follow all of the health programs that are out there.
Yes. It’s so easy to get distracted with all the things that are out there and like you said, do a little bit of this one day, a little bit of that the other day and then I think one of the most dangerous things that can happen is that we almost convince ourselves that it doesn’t work for me, but we didn’t follow through with it consistently, and so then we feel like, well, it must be so broken that all the things that are working for everyone else don’t work for me because you can’t feel like you did it, but you didn’t bring it into your day and like you said, to the degree of brushing your teeth, that habit where it’s just something you do every day, finish this, go for a walk. It’s just who you are until it becomes that we won’t know if it works for us or not.
Exactly. And there are a lot of things about how long it takes to actually build habits. Now we could throw out random numbers, but I see a lot of studies that say around 90 days and so when you’re working on something consistently and you actually make yourself do it every day for 90 days, there is a good chance you’re actually going to keep doing it after that. It becomes part of your routine, you have found a way to make it work for you, for your schedule. Maybe it wasn’t easy to do it every day, but you have found a way to fit it into your life and now that it fits into your life, it’s going to be more easy to continually doing it moving forward.
Yeah. I mean, it depends on the habit that you’re creating, but some things almost become autopilot, that you can just break. You wake up, you drink a glass of water that can almost just become… I mean, you wake up and before your really brain is even turned on, you walk to the bathroom because you know you have to use the restroom after sleeping all night. There’s just things where it becomes autopilot that you do that and then you grab a glass of water and then other ones are a little harder, like they’re more of a decision that I’m going to eat this way instead of that way but you found the recipes that work for you, you found the breakfast that you like to have that’s healthy and so it becomes easier. So there’s a spectrum there on how easy, but some of them, I mean, they just start to flow in your day and it’s amazing.
Absolutely. And a little trick that I use with a lot of my clients is to give yourself a calendar. So for example, grab the next 30 days and actually grab your favorite color marker or a highlighter or your kid’s coloring pencil and actually give yourself a big check mark in green or a big heart or color out of yourself. Because if you do it seven days in a row or 10 days in a row or 20 days in a row and you look at this calendar and there’s a gap, you’re like, Oh, it is something naturally we want to fill. You want to complete that challenge for yourself and so if you’re just picking one simple thing and you really do it over time and fill it out onto some level of a calendar, whether it’s digital or on paper or in your phone or whatever it is, giving yourself that check mark feels really good and give yourself a reward at the end. No, I don’t like food-based rewards, that’s not what I’m referring to here, but a reward could be a new book, go to a bookstore and buy yourself this new hardcover that maybe you wouldn’t normally spend money on, or go get a manicure or a massage, or buy a candle, there are so many non-food based rewards that is a little treat for us that if you actually stick to something and you buy yourself a little present as a reward for doing it, it helps create this pattern in our brain of treating ourselves well, we deserve it, we deserve to take the time and the attention and the focus and the energy out of our day to do better for ourselves and when we also attach a reward to it, we’re really telling ourselves, I’m worth it, I’m worth the time, I’m worth the energy, I’m worth all of this hard work. Even when other people might need you, they need a better, healthier, happier version of you. They don’t need a tired, cranky version of you and so even when we’re putting ourselves first, we should remind ourselves that we’re very much worth it, and it’s worth all of this hard effort in the beginning until it becomes a habit.
You mentioned some of the statistics of it takes about 90 days, roughly, to create a habit. In your experience working with clients, do you feel like there are a number of habits that people can take on at a time? Of course, there’s going to be variability in how big of a challenge each of them is. Or do you have you can take one on at a time, but maybe about a month in, you could probably add another one or do you feel like there’s a sweet spot with that for most people?
Yeah, I have a program with my clients that I run through and it’s called the 90-day nourish and what we do is work on one new small thing each week and then work to build on that thing every week moving forward. So it’s a pretty focused course where I don’t let you slip to the side, it’s not like you get better sleep this week and then next week we’re drinking more water so we don’t need to sleep anymore, we still need to do those things and so I’ve been able to focus back on whatever is slipping. So I feel like a lot of clients, we’re good, we’re good, we’re good. We come in with this intention and then life gets busy. So we need to take a chunk of time to dedicate back to coming back on track. And so slowly, one habit, if it’s a little habit like drinking more, do it for a good week for sure before you add a second habit in, and then also it has to be a simple, similar habit that’s not derailing you from the first habit but if we continually add one small thing in overtime and have regular check-ins to check-ins with ourselves or with a coach, it doesn’t worry with an accountability buddy, with anybody to make sure that we’re not letting those first ones slip to the side and get really good at those before you add something in and so at least a week if it’s a really little habit.
And I think this is where it speaks volumes to have the support with a coach where it can be a friend or an accountability person, it has to be someone who’s really going to hold you accountable that can have that tough love with you. But it can seem like, oh, I can do this myself. But like you said, it’s so easy to start slipping when real life starts happening and it’s easy to say, oh, yeah, I’ll just get started again, but if we’re trying to do that with too many habits that we have slowly progressed in a good way, but then we’re slipping a little bit to have someone there to help guide us back through that because just like with brushing your teeth, like you were saying, sometimes we need that person that’s ahead of us in this to see what’s going on from a bigger picture, standing back a little bit and help us find the path again when life just gets busy and it makes it hard to hold on to some of these things as we are creating the habit.
Yeah and I think we need to be responsible for ourselves to find what we need to succeed. So I’m not saying we need to hold ourselves always accountable or find that internal motivation because sometimes it’s not there. But what happens a lot with my clients is maybe they don’t have that support at home. Sure, their partner, their husband, their family want the best for them, but it’s not their job to make sure that they brush their teeth every night. It’s not their job to make sure that mom lays out her gym clothes in the morning so that she goes to work out the next morning. It’s not your family’s job to do that and so making sure that you have somebody in your life, whether it be a coach or that partner that is really committed to your success, even when you have a hard day or you have a hard week or you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s nice to have somebody to sit down with you, get back focused, get back on track, really figure out your priorities are, and it’s each person’s responsibility to set yourself up for success. If you know that you’re someone that needs accountability, get yourself accountability, if you know you’re someone that needs a step-by-step plan, make sure it includes that, if you know you’re someone that needs a chef to come into the house, I would love that.
Me too.
If we could all afford that, that would be amazing. But when you figure out what you need to succeed and knowing yourself and your learning style and your motivation, what hasn’t worked in the past, then stop doing that. We need to figure out what is going to work for us to set ourselves up for success moving forward and then find that.
Yeah, I completely agree. So we went through the four pillars and then the exercise of how to figure out where we are the most out of balance that is going to help give us the biggest boost in getting our health more on track. Any other considerations that you want to leave the listeners with today as they get started with the quiz and get started with their healthy habits?
Yeah, I know that we’ve covered a lot. I do think that I just want to remind everybody it is the little things that can make the biggest difference. There are so many things out there pulling our attention away and the overwhelm can leave us not doing anything. So my best suggestion is just to get started with something. Find a little thing that is going to work for you, so even if it is something as simple as drinking more water, I have seen huge results in my clients from just doing that. If it’s something as simple as getting more sleep, I have seen huge results in my clients doing something as simple as that. So my best advice is just to make sure that you actually take something from this episode and implement it and then reach out to us. I would absolutely love to hear, I’m sure Ashelene would love to hear it like if you actually fill out your 30 days of drinking more water every day and you tick it off on your little calendar, we will absolutely cheer you on.
Yes, we definitely want to hear about that. But I love what you’re saying because when we take ourselves away from thinking we need to do all the things and we reduce the overwhelm by focusing on one thing, I’m sure that our listeners, I can feel it as we talk about this, but I’m sure the listeners can feel it, too, like that just takes a whole load off, all I have to do right now is just focus on the water. I mean, the stress levels just go down just with that one focus, and that in itself is going to make us more successful, less overwhelmed, more excited about the fact that we’re actually doing what we set out to do and spur us on with some momentum. Thank you for saying it that way, bringing it down to just start taking one small action and stick with it and let it be that simple.
And you had said something earlier to come back to it as well as we need to tune into our own body to really know what we need. I think a lot of times we already know what we need. Sometimes it’s nice when other people tell us, do this, do that. But if we just take the time to do this exercise, ask ourselves, what do we need? What would make a big difference for me? What is that thing I know that I should be doing? I’ve been meaning to do it. I’ve been trying to get going at it, what’s actually going to get you doing it? So we need to shift into tuning into ourselves and re-prioritizing the time and the energy and the focus in transforming our own lives, our own health, our own day, and the way that we go through life. We deserve to thrive, not just survive. It’s something that I think everybody wants but until we really sit with ourselves and decide that we deserve it, I deserve this extra 30 minutes a day to do this healthy habit that I’m committed to doing. It’s a big step. It’s a big step.
And making today the day that you do it so that you actually get to start living the way that you want to.
Yes. Today is the day.
Today, not tomorrow. Start it today.
We’re going to put the link for the quiz in the show notes. How else can… I know my listeners know how to get a hold of me. Where else is the best place to connect with you and learn more about what you’re doing with your community and how to learn more about all these different pillars of healthy habits?
Yeah. So the quiz is definitely a great place to start because when you’re thinking about this, it’s like, Okay, I should do something, but I don’t know what to do. Fill out the quiz, it’s short, it’s fun, it’s easy, and it will give you a three-step personalized plan. So do that. When you do, you will land on my email list and then we’ll be in touch. I have a blog, I have a Facebook group, I have coaching programs, I have a membership, there are all different ways that I can support you depending on what you’re looking for, and what you need, but I’m here to guide you through it. My business is called Compass Rose Nutrition and Wellness. If you’re not familiar with the Compass Rose, it’s that internal portion of a compass that literally points the direction. I’m here to help you find your way, your path, and your journey to success. So take the quiz, you’ll land on my email, hit reply to my email, tell me a little bit more about you, and I’m here to help get you going in the right direction.
I love that. Thank you so much, Gaylene, for walking us through the exercise, that was super helpful, and I know this will spark some really new excitement as well as clarity for the listeners today to be able to just take the action in bite-sized pieces and that’s so powerful, so thank you so much for being here and walking us through all of that.
Thank you for having me. Good luck, everybody and please do reach out and let me know which habit you’re going to tackle.
All right, everyone bye for now.
Did you know that studies of PCOS epigenetics have shown that our environment can either worsen or completely reverse our PCOS symptoms? I believe that although PCOS makes us sensitive to our environment, it also makes us powerful. When we learn what our body needs and commit to providing those needs, not only do we gain back our health, but we grow in power just by showing up for ourselves. This is why I’ve created a guide for you to get started. My PCOS fertility meal guide can be found in the show notes below. I want to show you how to create an environment that promotes healing while still being able to live a life that you enjoy. This guide is completely free, so go get your copy now so that you can step into the vision that you have for your life and for your health.
Take The PCOS Root Cause Quiz
What Do Your Symptoms Mean?
Discover your current PCOS Root Cause
Start to reverse PCOS at the root cause.
Results are not guaranteed. Please see Medical Disclaimer for more detail.
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About Show
Welcome to The PCOS Repair Podcast!
I’m Ashlene Korcek, and each week I’ll be sharing the latest findings on PCOS and how to make practical health changes to your lifestyle to repair your PCOS at the root cause.
If you’re struggling with PCOS, know that you’re not alone. In fact, it’s estimated that one in ten women have PCOS. But the good news is that there is a lot we can do to manage our symptoms and live healthy, happy lives.
So whether you’re looking for tips on nutrition, exercise, supplements, or mental health, you’ll find it all here on The PCOS Repair Podcast. Ready to get started? Hit subscribe now