Stress-Management Toolbox: The Four Must-Haves

I’m so excited to have Miriam Popp share her expertise about managing stress! Adrenal PCOS ladies this is the first step to healing, but even if you have a different type of PCOS we ALL need this reminder.
It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol
~Brene Brown
Uncovering patterns and discovering ways to disrupt them to help women heal, is why I love what I do. A pattern I see repeatedly is high-achieving women who push themselves to the breaking point, showing symptoms of adrenal fatigue brought on by chronic stress. Of course, it looks a little different for each person, but the steps to healing are the same. Below I will share, how to begin healing your once overworked, overstressed at war with your body, self.
Chronic stress and the steps to heal are embodied in a woman I recently worked with. She came to me in need of better stress management tools. She was fed up with being tired, slowed down by brain fog, and was doing her best to just push through a few hectic months at work. She had goals she was determined to reach and figured she would deal with her body when the chaos eased up. However, with all this ambition and fire, the fact that she was struggling to sleep was a real buzzkill, and the irregular moods had people walking on eggshells around her. Throw in having to show up to meetings and outings with friends and family with acne like a teenager and she was beginning to realize her body was demanding her attention.
Luckily she was ready to make the necessary changes to start feeling good again in her body, mind, and soul. Diving into her work and personal life stressors we discovered some immediate shifts she could make to support her healing instead of contributing to the chaos. Before sharing the exact symptoms of adrenal fatigue and how you can fight back, I have a few questions, do they speak to you?
- Do you tend to put being busy on a pedestal?
- Are you always moving from one project to the next?
- Do you overthink your next move and do your best to “just PUSH through” when life gets tough?
- Do you have a long list of goals you’re working on at all times?
We’re living during a time where the hustle culture is uplifted.
This awareness will serve you deeply as you decide which lifestyle shifts you’re ready to make.
If you are struggling with high rates of anxiety and stress your adrenals may be crying out for help. A few symptoms are as follows:
- Fatigue that doesn’t go away with sleep
- Trouble falling asleep
- Hair loss and/or thinning
- Weight fluctuation
- Craving salt
- Brain fog
- Hormonal acne
- Irregular moods
Stress-reducing lifestyle shifts to add to your stress management toolbox:
1 – Prioritize Sleep
Did you know your body repairs while you sleep? Establishing a consistent bedtime whether you’re able to fall asleep at that time or not will serve you well. Create this habit and begin training your body to slow down and begin resting. Make your bedroom a real sleep haven by creating a relaxing and centering environment with comfortable sheets, limited technology/screentime, light-blocking shades, and even a sound machine if a little background noise suits you. I know for myself I have to disconnect from work and technology by 7 pm in order for my mind to be able to shut off for my 10 pm bedtime. Begin learning your body’s unique needs and respond accordingly.
2 – Be more mindful about your food choices
Did you know you can help support your body through times of stress with the foods you eat?! Stress leads to inflammation in the body which then leads to chronic diseases. By beginning to replace inflammatory foods (caffeine, sugar, processed foods, fast foods, fried foods) in your diet with nutrient-dense anti-inflammatory foods that boast antioxidants, omega 3’s and nutrients. When under stress or low vibration emotions we tend to crave carbohydrates. Want to know why? The metabolism of carbohydrates helps with the creation of feel-good hormone, serotonin. So instead of going for that pizza or chocolate cake that will cause your blood sugar to spike, add some yummy sweet potatoes in your life.
Feel Good Foods
I’ve compiled a list of what I call feel-good foods in this free grocery list.
As a bonus, you’ll get my meal pre pro-tips!
3 – Mindset Work
Did you know you can help support your body through times of stress with the foods you eat?! Stress leads to inflammation in the body which then leads to chronic diseases. By beginning to replace inflammatory foods (caffeine, sugar, processed foods, fast foods, fried foods) in your diet with nutrient-dense anti-inflammatory foods that boast antioxidants, omega 3’s and nutrients. When under stress or low vibration emotions we tend to crave carbohydrates. Want to know why? The metabolism of carbohydrates helps with the creation of feel-good hormone, serotonin. So instead of going for that pizza or chocolate cake that will cause your blood sugar to spike, add some yummy sweet potatoes in your life.
4 – Select tools that fit EFFORTLESSLY into your daily life
With so many, life-changing, stress management techniques out there, the key is experimenting until you find exactly what speaks to you in your life. There’s no need to transform your whole world to make one technique work. Instead, focus on techniques that seem to fit seamlessly into your world. If you are not a morning person why force yourself to be in order to get a workout in? Why not use the beautiful walking path by your job during your lunch break? I always encourage my clients to follow what speaks to them and their lives instead of doing what has worked for someone else. You’re a unique creature who deserves a stress management toolbox full of just as unique tools from daily walks to meditation to adult coloring books. Find out what works for your unique life to thrive.
If the symptoms of prolonged stress in your life are more than you feel capable of tackling on your own please get the support you deserve. Shifting your habits, mindsets, and approach to life is not simple, easy-peasy work but it is transformative and will take your life to greater heights. You are worth it and you deserve a life that fills you up instead of drains you dry.
About Miriam

Miriam here,
I am your Spiritual Wellness Guide, Lifestyle coach, and Certified Wellness Consultant. Besides walking in my purpose guiding my clients back to their truths and onto lives lived on THEIR terms, I love a good sci-fi/fantasy book, getting crafty, being that extra af & fun auntie, as well as traveling.
I currently live in California and Massachusetts and love the sunshine-filled life I’ve created. I currently offer 1:1 guidance programs, premium memberships, digital books & courses as well as workshops to help you grow no matter where you are in life.